Saturday, May 19, 2012

Funny Facts Of Life
There's a fine line between fishing and
standing on the shore like an idiot.

Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in?
I think that's how dogs spend their lives.

Don't worry about the world ending today...
It's already tomorrow in New Zealand.
(unless you're in New Zealand -then start worrying)

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

Character is what you are.
Reputation is what people think you are.

Drive carefully
It's not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.

A loser is a window washer on the 44th floor who steps back to admire
his work..

A man usually feels better after a few winks, especially if she winks back.

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.

The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant.

There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

If at first you don't succeed ... well, so much for sky diving.

A man who says marriage is a 50-50 proposition doesn't understand two
things: 1 - Women, 2 - Fractions.


odd facts said...
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. --Nice.

This reminds me of: "You are unique and special, just like everyone else."
Anonymous said...
Did you know that 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy?
Anonymous said...
There is actually a bit more to the last one. Let me explain:
In a marriage, 50% of ALL things are instantly divided: a man's items will be given to the woman until her things + the items the man gives her total 50% of all the things between them. in a Divorce, a woman gets to cherr-pick, so while it may be 50-50 numerically, the woman accumulates 80%(+) of total overall market value. there.
Anonymous said...
The man who walks far will always get there after the man with a car
Anonymous said...
A loser is a window washer on the 44th floor who steps back to admire
his work.. great
Anonymous said...
you've never lived till you've been shot at andlived
Anonymous said...
not to funny but made me laugh, i prefer chuck norris facts.
Anonymous said...
behind every successful man is a surprised woman !!
Anonymous said...
times fun when you're having flies
Anonymous said...
Live every day like it's your last because one day you will be right!!!!
Anonymous said...
load ae shit tbh :)
Anonymous said...
Behind every successful women is a not so surprised man
Yodz de Veas Insigne said...
A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiters, is not a nice person.
Anonymous said...
Thanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I can do something with it.
Anonymous said...
nice post. thanks.
Anonymous said...
Ha ha ha
Unknown said...
None is funny just gosh


via :;'\/-0

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